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Integrated System Technology Services

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5 Ways to Make Your Business Energy-Efficient

It is reported by EPA’s ENERGY STAR that small businesses in the US spend $60 billion on energy costs
each year. That is an overwhelming amount and it needs to be reduced so that small business owners can generate more revenue and reduce their impact on the environment. Here are five ways to reduce your energy costs.

Audit Your Energy Usage Frequently

Every organization needs to conduct in-depth energy audits frequently in order to analyze their energy usage. Unnecessary lights, always-on computers and constant use of air conditioners can add up to your energy costs, harming the environment in the process. You can conduct your own internal energy audit or hire an expert that offers precise energy monitoring of your energy usage. Give us a call and we can schedule an energy assessment free of cost!

Depend On Natural Light

If your office space has access to natural light, take good use of it as it has numerous benefits. By giving your lighting system a break for a few hours during the day, you can reduce your energy costs by hundreds and save the environment in the process. In fact, working under daily sunlight has been proven to elevate mood and thus, have a positive impact on your mental health. Relying on natural light during the workday is favorable for your profit, people and the planet.

Switch Off Equipment When Not in Use

Various types of technological equipment are in use during the day in an office space. Computers, printers, heating systems, air conditioners and other technologies are quite energy heavy and thus should be switched off when not in use. A single desktop computer requires more than 150 watts and having multiple teams switch on their desktops throughout the day cause high energy usage. Limiting paper use can reduce the time the printer is in use. Efficient energy management is not about not using equipment but rather about using equipment when need be.

Purchase Energy Efficient Systems

There are various energy efficient solutions that can lower your overall energy bill. Modern LED lighting systems require less energy than their traditional counterparts. Additionally, automated thermostat systems can benefit the company to automatically regulate temperature for better energy management. Integrated Systems Tech has years of experience under their belt and their knowledge on new energy-efficient equipment will prove to be beneficial in the long run.

Invest in Green Energy

Green energy is the use of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and hydro. Many large corporations such as Apple and Tesla have installed massive solar panels around their offices to reduce carbon emissions. Small businesses can benefit from the technology and thus have low to no costs of electricity, allowing for increase in profits and a healthier environment.

Expert Energy-Efficient Controls with Integrated Systems Tech

The core team at Integrated Systems Tech has gained extensive knowledge on automation and energy-efficient solution in the past decade. We offer free energy audits so that we can guide you on the next best practice that can reduce your energy costs and help the environment in the process. Visit our site to know more about our services.



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