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April 02.2020
2 Minutes Read

Implementing Energy Efficiency Improvement Strategies Using Turnkey Solutions

Major corporations understand the significance of being located in modern buildings that impress visitors and enhance corporate image. 

And recently, there has also been heightened awareness regarding commercial building energy-efficiency. Many companies today have the goal of reducing carbon emissions and becoming more sustainable over time. Implementing energy efficiency strategies in facilities can help them attain these goals. 

Here’s a list of energy-efficient turnkey solutions that buildings should consider investing in:

On-site Energy Supply

Companies can choose from various on-site energy supplies that are cost-efficient. On-site energy supplies like solar power and fuel cells protect you from unforeseen circumstances like natural disasters, which often lead to power outages. 

Aside from protecting your company from the financial losses caused by power breakdowns, on-site energy supplies also reduce carbon emissions. Each unit of power produced on-site releases significantly fewer carbon emissions than when you rely on the city’s power sources. 

Energy Efficiency with IoT Technologies

Smart buildings are paving the way for energy-efficient modern buildings; the global smart buildings industry is expected to be worth $34.4 billion by the end of 2025

The integration of IoT technology in buildings allows companies to reduce costs on energy bills and use their resources more efficiently. 

Smart Buildings

Smart buildings, whether a house or a commercial building, involve multiple connected devices working together to increase the energy-efficiency of the premises and increase productivity. IoT devices reduce reliance on humans so there’s less room for error. 

IoT devices like Alexa and Google Home have only been made available for consumers over the last decade, but they’ve been used in modern commercial buildings for a while. 

In the future, IoT is expected to become the center of sustainability and energy-efficiency. 

Here are some IoT devices that help increase energy-efficiency in the building:

Thermostats: Heating and cooling systems are now equipped with smart thermostats that allow you to override scheduled programming from remote locations. Thermostats can also work with sensors in the building and determine whether the temperature needs to be increased or decreased. 

Sophisticated thermostats even give you ROI reports to show you how much you saved on energy bills at the end of the month

Lighting: Lighting in smart buildings works with sensors to switch on and off after detecting movement in the room. 

Connected lighting systems allow people to override sensors when needed; security personnel can switch on lights from remote locations in case of emergencies, for example. 

Companies can save a significant amount of money by installing smart lighting systems. 

In the future, we can expect IoT to become more common in commercial buildings, as companies strive to be more sustainable and energy-efficient. 

Integrated Systems Tech is a controls and automation company that builds predictive management and automation control systems for organizations across all industries. Contact us for more information at (855) 475-0243. 



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