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January 03.2020
5 Minutes Read

Predictive Maintenance with Industrial IoT Solutions

The conventional approach to equipment maintenance is time-based, which means that manufacturers have to plan the age and lifespan of the machinery when planning maintenance. However, most often than not, machinery malfunctions are random, which is why scheduled maintenance is of little help. So, what can we do to minimize downtime and make the most of maintenance efforts?

Well, this is where predictive maintenance with Industrial IoT solutions comes in! Let’s take a look at what it is and how we can benefit from this amazing and innovative technology. 

What is Predictive Maintenance with Industrial IoT Solutions? 
Predictive maintenance with industrial IoT solutions revolves around techniques designed to determine the right time for performing maintenance procedures on the machinery depending on the current condition and working of the machines, instead of hard variables like age of the machine. This approach has a better chance to prevent equipment failure as compared to the conventional maintenance. Furthermore, it saves the cost associated with unnecessary maintenance.   

What are the Benefits of Predictive Maintenance with Industrial IoT Solutions?
Predictive maintenance with industrial IoT solutions offers multiple benefits to businesses all around the world. Here are the top three benefits that industries, especially the production industry, can reap by employing this amazing technology.    

• High Maintenance Efficiency
Nothing can beat predictive maintenance with industrial IoT solutions when it comes to the best equipment maintenance methods. In other words, this method of maintenance makes sure that the equipment stays in the best possible shape at all times.

This smart technology is designed to provide maintenance on the need-basis, which ensures that any impending problems or malfunctions are identified and corrected before any unfortunate and untimely incident occurs. This works to improve the efficiency of the maintenance efforts and process to give the best results and elongate the overall lifespan of the equipment. 

• Lowered Cost of Maintenance  
Predictive maintenance with industrial IoT solutions brings down the costs associated with maintenance. Scheduled maintenance results in financial investments, even if maintenance is not really required. On the other hand, random faults and malfunctions, which are fairly common when conventional maintenance methods are employed, further increases the cost of reversing the damage.

All in all, it won’t be a stretch to say that while implementing predictive maintenance with industrial IoT solutions may be more expensive as compared to implementing conventional maintenance methods, it is still the most cost-effective solution in the long term. 

• High Production Efficiency    
Did you know that predictive maintenance with industrial IoT can help increase production? Well, production is directly related to the working time of the equipment. Since this technology works to bring down downtime and also helps elongate the overall lifespan of equipment, it clearly plays an important role in taking production efficiency to the next level.

There’s no denying that the future of Predictive maintenance with industrial IoT solutions is bright and promising. Now that you know what this technology entails and how you can benefit from it, you can also employ it to generate higher revenues. Furthermore, it’s the ideal way to gain a competitive edge in the industry!



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