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Integrated System Technology Services

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March 30.2020
2 Minutes Read

The Role of Space Utilization in Organizational Efficiencies

Organizational efficiency measures a company’s ability to maximize output using the least resources. For instance, purchasing or leasing commercial space is a major expense for every company, but optimum space utilization can help improve organizational efficiencies.

A few decades ago, it wasn’t possible for employees to work from home; today, material realities have fundamentally changed. In 2018, around 5% of the working population was working from home; eight million people were earning money from the comfort of their homes. 

And although traditional workplaces aren’t going away anytime soon, businesses can save money by renting/purchasing smaller commercial spaces than they would have needed if everyone came to work. 

Regardless of how big or small your commercial property is, optimum utilization is beneficial. 

Here are some ways companies can improve space utilization:

Mobility Offers Flexibility

Modern offices allow employees to work from remote locations; employees can carry out important tasks online and use organizational platforms safely through cloud technology. 

Employees can stay connected with employees in the office and those in different parts of the world without distances being an issue; a dedicated workplace is no longer a necessity. 

Businesses with budget constraints should consider letting more employees work from home, or assign shifts to different departments to get the most out of the space they have. 

Conferencing Without A Conference Room 

Conference rooms were considered a necessary part of every office space. These were big rooms where workers would gather to discuss projects, brainstorm, and solve problems collectively.

Conference rooms, aka “think tanks,” give employees the chance to engage with one another, source ideas from each other, and work together to find solutions they can all agree on. 

A few years ago, conferencing couldn’t happen from remote locations. Even when employees worked from home, they would still have to come in for meetings. 

Now, conferencing can happen without a conference room. Web conferencing and other online tools allow people to connect from any part of the world and collaborate with each other online. 

If you’re the type of company that rarely has large meetings with various staff members, then you don’t really need a conference room. 

Scheduling Spaces

Can you think of a time when you walked into a conference room with your team, only to find another team already sitting there?

If you have to cancel your meeting simply because the conference room wasn’t available, then you’re being inefficient. 

Modern companies use space scheduling tools to reserve rooms for specific hours of the day. This way, there is no confusion about the availability of conference rooms, meeting rooms, etc. 

Advanced technology and IoT solutions can help you utilize your commercial space more efficiently so you can get the most out of it without wasting resources. 

If you’re in New York, New Jersey, New Mexico, Arizona or Texas and are looking for a tech partner that builds automation control systems and predictive management, get in touch with us at (855) 475-0243.



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