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Integrated System Technology Services

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January 22.2020
2 Minutes Read

Top 4 Reasons to Upgrade Your Traditional Lighting System

In any commercial setting, lighting utility bills account for an astronomical amount that is paid from the business money. What if there was a better way to manage these costs and improve the overall lighting system in your space? Well, an easy way to do that is to upgrade your traditional lighting system. 

Doing so will help you in multiple ways and the results will reflect in your increased revenues. Let’s take a look at the top four reasons why it may be time for you to ditch your traditional lighting system and move on to smart lighting controls! 

1. The Environmental Impact
Upgrading your traditional lighting system means putting a stop to wasting energy. It is important to understand that electric power plants play a major role in increasing pollution. Harmful pollutants are emitted in the environment during the production of electricity. The carbon footprint is a price we pay for energy production. However, the worst part is that half of this energy is not even put to good use. Due to inefficient lighting systems, electricity is wasted every day. 

Upgrading your traditional lighting system means putting a stop to wasting energy. It is important to understand that electric power plants play a major role in increasing pollution. Harmful pollutants are emitted in the environment during the production of electricity. The carbon footprint is a price we pay for energy production. However, the worst part is that half of this energy is not even put to good use. Due to inefficient lighting systems, electricity is wasted every day. 

2. A Cost-Effective Solution   
Apart from being eco-friendly, smart lighting control systems also provide the most cost-effective solution to lighting needs in commercial areas. Using less energy means lower utility bills. In fact, you can rest assured that the one-time cost of upgrading your traditional lighting system will be recovered eventually owing to the savings you will make in the future due to reduced utility bills. 

3. Reduced Maintenance Cost 
Another reason why switching to a lighting control system is the most economical choice is that it helps reduce maintenance costs. From the kind of lights you install to the kind of control system you choose, everything affects the maintenance costs. For instance, since LED lights have a long lifespan, opting for them can bring down the overall costs. Similarly, integrating a predictive maintenance solution will also work in your favor to lower the cost of maintenance as well as repairing. 

4. Improved Safety Measures
Improper lighting is one of the leading causes of accidents in commercial places. The good news is that you can upgrade the safety by switching to lighting control systems. It is important to understand that safety around commercial areas is imperative. It is your responsibility to provide employees with a safe working environment. This is why it is always a good idea to improve lighting in any way possible. 

Lighting control systems are extremely convenient. They provide various ways to control lighting around the commercial area. The automated controls can be set in many ways. They can be based on chronological time, solar time, occupancy of the area, daylight availability, etc. Plus, they are cost-effective, eco-friendly, and improve the working environment. In short, it’s time you upgrade your traditional lighting system and benefit from smart lighting control systems.  

For more information on how lighting upgrades can benefit your business, contact Integrated Systems Technology Services Today at (855) 475-0243.



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