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How Smart Building Automation Systems Can Help Enforce Social Distancing In the Workplace

With several states easing lockdown restrictions, many companies have called their employees back to work. However, with the Coronavirus pandemic being far from over, businesses are faced with the responsibility of keeping their employees and customers safe.

As enterprises and institutions continue to explore effective ways of promoting social distancing in the workplace, smart building automation systems have emerged as a viable solution. Smart building software can help commercial building owners and operators advise employees about when to visit spaces such as the cafeteria to prevent overcrowding, for example.

It can also be used to monitor different areas of the building to ensure social distancing protocols are being followed and to monitor areas that have been visited by an infected person.

Keep on reading to learn how building automation systems can help enforce social distancing in the workplace.

Space Booking Management

This module of a building management system works in combination with sensors to provide building owners/managers with real-time analytics of what’s happening within the facility—particularly in social spaces like meeting rooms and offices.

A space booking management module can help enforce social distancing by setting cleaning schedules and determining maximum room capacities while effectively monitoring workspace utilization.

Thermal Detection

Body thermal detection is another feature that can be integrated with building automation systems. It can be used in combination with the video surveillance systems that are already installed.

Facial recognition can be used with these cameras, identifying personnel who enter the building and noting if their body temperature is elevated. This will allow the business to identify individuals who’re potentially ill and help it take the appropriate steps.

Remote Access of Factory Equipment

Building automation systems provide building managers the ability to remotely manage various electronic systems of the building, such as the HVAC system, lighting, appliances, elevators, gas, water, and more.

Having the ability to control various operational aspects of the facility keeps building management personnel away from other employees working in the building. And needless to say, in these dangerous times, the more employees companies can keep working from home, the better.


One of the leading specialists in industrial building automation, Integrated Systems Tech Services can design and develop smart building controls that are specifically tailored for your commercial building or industrial facility. Get in touch with us to learn more about the building automation solutions we offer.





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