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Integrated System Technology Services

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How Building Automation Systems Help Businesses Conserve Energy

Building automation systems are becoming increasingly popular amongst businesses for the superb utility and functionality they provide. A robust smart building management system can help business owners and facility managers monitor and control electrical and mechanical systems in their buildings in a simple and efficient manner. 

One of the primary reasons why businesses are investing in building automation systems is their ability to reduce energy wastage. Here are three ways how building automation helps businesses with energy conservation. 

Heating & Cooling

Heating and cooling makes up a significant portion of the overall energy costs of a commercial building. In fact, according to the U.S Department of Energy (DOE), the average commercial building spends 40% of its energy costs on heating, cooling and ventilation. This translates to around 7.5% of the total costs for the average office building. 

Deploying a robust building automation system is a surefire way to bring your HVAC energy consumption down. The system will make sure that no energy is being wasted on heating or cooling where it isn’t needed, and will help you establish a preventative HVAC maintenance program that ensures all parts are cleaned and working properly, and that all air filters are changed in a timely manner. This will ensure that the HVAC is always operating at its optimal efficiency.


Another major avenue of energy wastage in commercial buildings and industrial facilities is lighting. An advanced building automation system can work in combination with light occupancy sensors, and ensure that the lights in areas that are not occupied are always switched off. This will not only result in a significant reduction in energy costs, but will also extend the life of light fixtures, particularly non-LED ones. 

 When and if needed, you can make lighting upgrades that allow for more energy-efficient technologies, such as LED systems that reduce the number of lamps needed at one time, and dimming technology.  

Temperature Control

Regardless of what season it is, a building automation system can ensure that the thermostat is set – and remains at – a specific temperature, even during times when the building isn’t occupied. The system will automatically adjust the thermostat as per the settings, which will drive down cooling costs significantly in the summer months. 

One of the leading specialists in commercial systems integration, Integrated Systems Tech Services can design and develop smart city technology that are specifically tailored for your commercial building or industrial facility. We provide services in various states, including New York, Texas, and New Mexico. Get in touch with us to learn more. 



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