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Integrated System Technology Services

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Smart Building Trends for 2020 That Every Enterprise Should Follow

Modern office buildings are becoming more and more energy efficient in the face of global warming. There has been an increase in the awareness of the negative impact and carbon footprints of large corporate buildings, which has prompted business owners to look into smart and energy-efficient solutions for their office premises.

One of the best examples of smart and energy-efficient buildings is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation campus in Seattle. The building is a prime example of integrated design and can harvest rainwater, minimize solar use, reduce potable water use, and minimize overall energy use.

Smart technology has made it possible for many organizations to reduce energy consumption and include sustainability in their buildings. The smart building industry is growing at an exponential rate and is expected to reach over a hundred billion dollars in less than five years.

Here are some of the top smart building trends for 2020 that can help enterprises improve profitability:

Air Quality Control and Monitoring

Air quality is an essential component of a healthy and productive work environment. People who work in well-ventilated offices with low levels of CO2 and indoor pollutants have better cognitive functioning and a lower risk of getting sick. Smart air quality control and monitoring systems are equipped with wireless sensors that detect harmful small particles and monitor the CO2 levels to automatically adjust the ventilation and send out warnings in case the air quality goes below the ideal levels. 

Smart Lighting

Smart lighting is one of the most profitable solutions for buildings. Electricity and energy costs take up a huge chunk of the revenue any company generates. By choosing smart LED lighting and dimmable lighting options, businesses stand to save as much as 90% on utility bills by reducing energy consumption. Smart lighting adjusts to the preference of the occupants and can mimic the natural progression of daylight by offering dim lights during the day and growing brighter as the day passes. The sensors automatically shut off the lights when there is no one in the room, saving the business thousands of dollars in wasted energy.

Smart Access Control and Building Security

One of the most commonly applied smart building solutions is automated building security and access control. The system is operated by a network of smart devices that are connected by IoT and make it possible to monitor and control access to the building remotely from a single location. Advanced smart security solutions allow buildings to keep track of people who enter and exit, prompting the lighting system to shut off the lights when the last person has left the building. 

Integrated Systems Tech Services is one of the leading specialists in industrial building automation, automation control systems, and predictive management. We provide custom smart building controls that are tailored to the needs of various commercial and industrial buildings and facilities.

If you’re looking for a tech partner, get in touch with us at (855) 475-0243.



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