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Integrated System Technology Services

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2 Minutes Read

Why Businesses Should Consider Investing in Intelligent Building Systems

In today’s ultra-competitive business environment, having a smooth running infrastructure has become a basic need of every commercial building owner. System failures and inefficiencies can lead to bottlenecks in the workflow, ultimately impacting the business’s relationship with its clients and employees, and of course, its profits. 

Therefore, to eliminate inefficiencies and reduce operating costs, an increasing number of commercial and industrial business owners are investing in intelligent building automation systems. The market for building automation systems is growing rapidly and is expected to grow from $75 billion in 2019 to $121.5 billion by 2024 (a CAGR of 10.1%).

Keep on reading to learn why building automation systems make for cost-effective and sustainable long-term building management solutions. 

Better Value

When you implement a well-designed building automation system, you not only slash building operating costs but also enhance the value of your property significantly. Understandable, commercial buildings and facilities that are operated by intelligent automated systems have a significantly higher value than those without one. 

Lower Operating Costs & Better System Performance

Another prominent benefit of a smart automated building management solution is the sustainable energy management it delivers that enables actionable energy conservation. A building management system optimizes the various electronic and mechanical systems around the building, thus reducing energy wastage. These efficiency advantages can result in significant long-term savings. 

Advanced Tools

A well-designed, custom-built smart building automation system offers smart tools that enhance your commercial building’s security. In addition to the building’s inhabitants, it allows for better protection of your IT data and assets and other valuable business resources. 

The different intrusion-detection tools that can be integrated with a building automation system include access card readers, RFID scanners, digital video surveillance, biometric scans, and more. The system can then be utilized in various areas of the facility to report any suspicious activity and even remotely unlock and lock doors and gateways. 

Data Collection

Lastly, an intelligent building automation system allows you to manage and monitor your building's systems remotely. It also records data continuously, making it easier to determine vulnerabilities, recurring problems, and areas that can be optimized or improved. 


One of the leading specialists in industrial building automation, Integrated Systems Tech Services can design and develop smart building controls that are specifically tailored for your commercial building or industrial facility. They provide services in various states, including New York, Texas, and New Mexico. Visit their website or call at (855) 475-0243 to learn more.



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