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Integrated System Technology Services

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Reinventing Space Management In Smart Buildings With IoT

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the corporate world is experiencing a huge shift towards the distributed or mobile workforce. With trends such as co-working, telework, freelancing, and flex office taking center-stage, the days when employees used to sit at their desks the entire day seem like a distant memory.

Enhanced collaboration and agile work settings are now being considered the definition of a happy and productive workforce. Simultaneously, the evolving workforce represents a dramatic transformation in the way we use our office space.

A recent report by AECOM revealed that 40% of the workspace paid for by organizations is left vacant. This is a figure that can’t be ignored when you consider that CRE is amongst the top operational costs or businesses. In addition to more efficient usage, it’s important to ensure that changes in building operations are in accordance with employee satisfaction and requirements. 

So, where do we go in our quest for a more dynamic workspace management approach? Well, that’s where smart building technologies and IoT (Internet of Things) comes in. 

Optimization the Planning and Utilization of Space

By generating and assessing heat-maps of different workspace rooms and areas in real-time, companies can accurately gauge employee work patterns, which allows them to make informed decisions in regards to office amenities and layouts.

High-traffic areas can be better equipped and expanded, while underutilized areas can be repurposed or trimmed down as needed. This will enable managers to create an optimal blend between co-working areas, individual and open zones to foster productivity, innovation, and collaboration.

Higher Energy Efficiency

The other significant advantage you glean from workspace utilization tracking is energy conservation. Recent studies have revealed that around 30% of energy in commercial facilities is wasted every year. With a smaller carbon footprint being an ever-important priority for enterprises, companies will have to put a stronger focus on energy efficiency if they are to achieve their sustainability goals. 

This is where an IoT-driven smart building management solution can help. In can maximize energy efficiency by monitoring energy usage throughout the building and regulating it according to the occupancy.

 Enhanced Employee Experience

Occupancy sensing can also augment employee satisfaction, and consequently, their productivity. A smart building system can use sensors to detect when a meeting room is occupied or empty, helping employees easily know where available work spaces are in the building.

One of the leading specialists in industrial building automation, Integrated Systems Tech Services can design and develop smart building controls that are specifically tailored for your commercial building or industrial facility. Get in touch with us to learn more.



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